Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Book : Little Brother by Cory Doctorow
Pages read (today and yesterday) : 40

Favorite Quotes of the Quarter :
"She's slower than molasses running uphill in the middle of February...." My grandpa talking about how slow my grandma golfs
"We build with our hands what we have in our hearts" - August Burns Red
"Abnormal is so common, it's practically normal." - Little Brother (The Book, not the sibling)

So i picked up this book called little brother just cuz it looked kind of interesting. It's about this 17 year old kid who's really good with technology (specifically computers) and he finds that all of his hacking makes him a prime suspect in the terrorist attack that occurs in San Francisco. The book is actually really cool though cuz it has a lot of technological terminology that i've maybe heard of in my ventures on the web but really had no idea what they meant. I've acquired a much larger interest in messing with computers and things of that nature, essentially just wanting to know how they work and how to make them my puppets in my plot to become their puppeteer. It's actually made me question a lot about my life. I used to think that medicine was the only thing i'd be interested in doing for the rest of my life but in reading this book, i've realized that i've always had a subliminal fascination with computers and their computing properties. Now i'm certain that i'm going to have to take a couple computer apps classes in college to see if that is a career possibility that i'd like to pursue or maybe even just as a hobby.

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