Friday, October 14, 2011


I started my etymology reading kinda slow this year....i dont know if it was due to the fact that i wasnt really enveloped in my book or what but i found it hard to just sit there and read. That's kinda been the case my entire life, unless im in love with a book i dont really follow up with it. I found a book called Little Brother and it's pretty cool, im already on page 160 and ive only had it for like a week, and that's a big deal for me. I can see myself actually finishing this book. Im not one of those readers that just goes home, lays on a bear skinned rug all cozy next to the fireplace. I tend to read in school when i finish early with a test or when im just tired of doing what im supposed to be doing in that particular class.....its gonna definitely be a goal to finish this book though.

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