Friday, November 11, 2011


I’ve never been a huge reader. Sure I can acknowledge a good but when it’s thrown my way but I’m not constantly out searching for the next new book that will get me through the weekend. Reading is just not really my cup of tea, in my free time at least. I really struggled this semester mainly due to the fact that I don’t find it easy to stir up the motivation to just sit somewhere and read, let alone blog about it when I’m done. English is really only enjoyable for me when I get to learn new words to throw around like a member of 17th century British royalty and just watch how people’s faces take that subtle turn from really being into what you’re saying to where they are so lost they need a map to get back on track. I think I sat in my room and just read once the entire semester which left my reading to get done here at school. I’d read a lot in anatomy and government which are two classes I have a lot of free time in. I read a whole book pretty much in 5-10 minute intervals where I could sneak in a little reading. The book I read, Little Brother, was really interesting though. When I finished reading the first chapter I went and told my thirteen year old brother all about it to the point where he thought it sounded so cool that he’d pick it up and give it a try too. That’s when you know a book is good. Not gonna lie though, I’m glad to be done with the required reading and blogging.

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