Thursday, September 1, 2011

Rain > Weight of the World

Today I picked up my book again to read some more and it happened to be about a big storm that washed away the entire beach the main character was on. Now anyone that truly knows me knows that I'm infatuated with rain. I guess it all goes back to when my family was living in my grandparent's house in Ossian because they had a porch with a tin roof and rain made a distinct sound on it that I found and still find remarkably relaxing. Plus, being born in Costa Rica where it rains on and off constantly, gives me a weird connection to it. To this day I find myself running outside at any sign of a storm just to get a chance to be enveloped in the gentle shower. It's unlike any other feeling in the world. If you ever just watch it fall around you, the effect it has on trees and plants, it literally brings life to the things that we pass on the side of the road and pay no mind to. Its just like I go outside and as it runs down my face, it takes all of my cares and leaves me feeling renewed. I constantly find myself just laying down outside as I become soaked with them, watching it all fall from the sky, as if god were crying over everything we've ever done wrong, yet it manages to feel uplifting instead of feeling like a burden. It has such a caring feel to it, something that lets us know that no matter how bad something my seem at this very moment, soon enough, another downpour will come through to give us a clean slate to work with. All we can do is take that clean slate we've been given and try to use it to write a better story than we had before. Now, there are always going to be flaws in the story, imperfections, but it gives us the opportunity to use what we've learned to just put that behind us and make another solid stride toward where we ultimately want to end up. Ive taken a few steps forward and also have taken a few steps back throughout life, we all have. But honestly, if it weren't for those steps would i even know what the right direction looked like?

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